A few weeks back we went out and filmed our forth "Skatepark Roulette" trip! This time around we hit up Markham Skatepark (https://www.sessionatlas.com/markham-centennial?rq=markham), Richmond Green (https://www.sessionatlas.com/richmond-hill?rq=richmond) and finished the day off at Uxbridge Skatepark (https://www.sessionatlas.com/uxbridge?rq=uxbridge)! It was such an awesome day, and I cant wait for round 5, where we will be heading to Brockville Civitan Skatepark (https://www.sessionatlas.com/brockville?rq=brockville)!
Bailey Huisman - @bailey_huisman
Kaleb Smith - @hitemwithkaleb
Mike Kewin - @mikekewin
Mike Henderson - @mike_henderson95 (https://www.instagram.com/mike_henderson95/)
Cam Galbraith - @hvxgoatproductions (https://www.instagram.com/hvxgoatproductions/)
NEW MERCH! https://www.hvxgoat.com/shop
Support the show! (https://paypal.me/HVXGOAT?locale.x=en...)
Show Sponsors!
Wonderland Studios ( https://www.wonderlandtattoo.ca/ )
Custom professional tattooing and piercing from Wayne Galbraith and Deacon Matheson.
Harvester Bikes ( https://harvesterbikes.ca/ )
The best BMX shop in Canada.
Shout Out's!
Cult Crew https://cultcrew.com/
Dead Leisure https://www.deadleisure.com/
Ride On https://rideon-bmx.com/https://rideonbmx.bigcartel.com/